Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Language of Women in Korean and English

by sung-yun park

This article was very influenced by Lakoff.

Like English, Korean females are considered to speak more politely. Stereotypical female speech will use more -yo and less plain verb forms, very weak curses, more adverbs of degree, and a more varied intonation.

Sexuality as identity: Gay and lesbian language

by Cameron and Kulick

Research on the language of gays went through 4 stages:
  1. 1920s-1940s. seeing it as a pathology and the language emphasized its strangeness. (Also, at that time it was thought that gays actually desired sex with the opposite sex). Focus on vocabulary and gender inevrsion
  2. 1950s-1960s. Researchers drew a division between old-fashioned "princesses" and young gay brothers, idealizing white middle-class speech.
  3. 1970s-mid 1990s. Influenced by literature on ethnic speech varieties, group cohesion as a gay identity and unity.
  4. 1990s to present. Queer theory: looking at variety and diversity in gay identity. Identity is now the effect of semiotic forms, not its source.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Do women and men speak the

Deborah Cameron. Extracted from The Myth of Mars and Venus published, by Oxford University Press in hardback at £10.99. To order a copy for £9.99 with free UK p&p go to or call 0870 836 0875.

covers a lot of ground, like how manufacturing jobs have declined, service jobs have risen, and the myth that women are better at verbal skills means that employers will discriminate against men.

Says that "evolutionary biology" justifies modern discrimination by appealing to genetics.

The folk belief persists because it justifies prejudicial behavior.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Common Writing Problems: Focus, Organization, Development, Style, and Correctness

Ch 4 of What the Writing Tutor Needs to Know

My goal is to create a more thoughtful writer. Their goal is to make an A.

They need a clear thesis and to develop meaningful arguments. Short paragraphs are signs of a weak argument and undeveloped ideas.

Setting the Agenda for the Next 30 Minutes

by Macauley

The tutor and student should create a road map of what they want to accomplish. This is an agenda that the student can take with them should the tutor not be able to get to all the points in 50 minutes.

Tutoring in Unfamiliar Subjects

by Alexis Greiner

First ask what the assignment is. Then ask for the main points. Read it with a focus, paying attention to the situation--why is she writing it? Test out ideas: "I got this from this paragraph. Is that what you meant?" Ask thought-provoking questions and build on the client's response.

Working with ESL Writers

ch 9

NNS don't just come to get their grammar checked, they don't need more basics, you should work on higher-order concerns below later-level concerns, you should have a rulebook handy, and you can teach anything.

What Tutoring Writing Isn't

from Tutoring Writing: A Practical Guide for Conferences, by Donald A. McAndrew and Thomas J. Reigstad. Portsmouth: Boynton/Cook, 2001. 160 pages.

The editor-journalist relationship is abusive. Don't model this relationship.
Don't be a therapist. It can be tough if students write about their feelings.
Don't tutor about a "dead" paper, one that the writer is no longer working on.

The Tutoring Process

Ch 3


Don't edit as you would a friend's paper. First break the ice, then ask some questions, then have them read aloud. End with asking them what they will do next.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Whose speech is more standard?

Penelope Eckert 2003

The linguistic forms we consider "feminine" actually indicate something else, like refinement, and that only indirectly indicates femininity.

But at Belten High in Detroit, bad grammar is associated with rebelliousness. Burnouts sue it a lot more than jocks. Jock girls use use almost no negative concord; burnout girls use it almost exclusively. It signals their rebellious attitude toward authority and school.

Nonstandard grammar is associated with toughness, and lower class girls must be tough. In "the halls of the academe or government," women cannot convey a folksy demeanor because they are more easily discredited as professionals than men. They cannot chance it.

Sex and Covert Prestige

by Trudgill 70s

In Norwich, as one goes down the social class ladder, instances of -in increase and instances of -ing decrease. But at each stratus, more males use -in than females.

In Norwich, women over-report their use of status-ful forms and men under-report them. In general, people form Norwich under-report more than Labov's New York informants.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A cultural approach to male-female miscommunication

by Maltz and Borker, 1982.

Women and men are acculturated in different ways, and this difference in acculturation accounts for differences in their manners of communication.

Norm-makers, norm-breakers: uses of speech by men and women in a malagasy community

by Elinor Keenan 1974?

In Madagascar there are communities of Malagasy. Indirect speech styles are valued and associated with tradition.

Men generally use formal and indirect speech styles. Women are able to use direct styles and men bring along their wives if a complaint needs to be made or to ask for assistance from strangers.